What Is Blogs2Books?

Blogs2Books is a FREE program for backing up your blog and preparing it for print. Read the Blogs2Books story or Step-by-Step instructions.

July 9, 2008

Step 3: Setup Internet Explorer

In order to create a pdf file using Primo Pdf (covered in the next step), you will need to print your html file from another program. Unfortunately, Nvu does not print correctly to Primo Pdf. For this step I recommend using Internet Explorer. You can also use Firefox if you prefer. The explanation given here is for Internet Explorer (IE).
  1. Open IE.

  2. From the menu bar choose File > Open.

  3. Click "Browse" and locate the html file you want to print. Click "Ok" to open the file.

  4. From the menu bar choose File > Page Setup.

  5. The paper size should be "Letter" and the source "Paper Feed Switch". The orientation should be "Portrait".

  6. Delete what is in the "Header" and "Footer" boxes. If you want to put a page number on your page you can type "&b&p" into either box. To center the page number use "&b&b&p".

  7. Change the margins to your preference. I found 0.8 on the sides and 0.75 on the top and bottom worked well. (Note: If you downloaded Blogs2Books prior to July 9, 2008 you will probably also need to change the width inside your html file. Open the html file and near the top of the file replace the "675px" with "650px".)

  8. Click "Ok."